Ethical use of artificial intelligence to prevent sudden cardiac death: an interview study of patient perspectives 3 June 202424 April 2024 by dfischer
PROFID EHRA trial to assess the potential benefit of ICD therapy in myocardial infarction survivors 7 September 202328 August 2023 by dfischer
ICD-Therapie zum Schutz vor dem plötzlichen Herztod. Sind die Leitlinien aktuell genug? 7 September 202316 June 2023 by dfischer
How can we assess the risk for sudden cardiac death to decide for primary prophylactic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator in patients with heart failure in 2022? 27 June 202316 May 2022 by pp-digitalszene
Cardiac MRI Improves Accuracy of Tool to Predict Sudden Death Risk After MI 8 September 20236 April 2022 by dfischer
Patientenbedürfnisse verstehen und berücksichtigen 7 September 202310 January 2022 by pp-digitalszene
Development and Validation of a Multivariable Risk Prediction Model for Sudden Cardiac Death after Myocardial Infarction 27 June 202316 July 2021 by pp-digitalszene