A manuscript about the extensive PROFID data analysis, “Sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction: individual participant data from pooled cohorts”, has been published in the European Heart Journal!

The research investigated whether the use of LVEF and further candidate predictors allows the identification of low-risk patients with severely reduced LVEF, who may not need defibrillator protection, and of high-risk patients with mildly reduced or preserved LVEF, who may be candidates for targeted defibrillator implantation. The analysis pooled 20 data sets with 140,204 post-myocardial infarction patients. The publication marks a significant achievement for PROFID and emphasizes the scientific value and clinical relevance of this work. In addition, this data analysis formed the basis for the study design of the important ongoing international PROFID EHRA trial.
Read the full paper here.
The importance of this publication is highlighted by “ESC TV Today”, where the paper is featured. Watch the episode here (5:33-7:25, 4 weeks of open access).
Dr. John Mandrola has discussed the publication in his podcast “This Week in Cardiology”, which you can listen to here (14:20-22:45).